It is with a great pleasure for me to announce, that two of our members volunteered to invest their valuable time into this project and accepted my proposal for them to become moderators at Drumstodon.

I don't feel comfortable to do decisions regarding moderation and defederation based solely on my own opinion. I would like this to be a transparent process guided by the rules put in place... I'm hopeful that we will together be able to set the right rules for moderation and to enforce those rules properly.

The heroes of the day are:

Cyrus (@Cyrus)

Drew (@utkanos)

Thank you both!

If you would like to be part of the moderation team, please contact me at @DrumHead.

If you see some content on the instance you have an issue with, please report it or get in contact with me or one of the moderators. Thank you.

We will be publishing all the important decisions made regarding moderation issues here on this blog.

The aim is to create an including space with wide range of views, without nonsense and if possible with minimum of personal attacks. I believe in everyone's right to choose where they belong on the internet and which content they want to follow and share, for me the line is drawn where the freedoms of someone else begin. As an example - don't tell people how they personally feel, you simply don't know! In the same way - it is no ones business who loves whom (or what) and why. You are free to choose that for yourself, so just respect the choice of others too... If someone doesn't want to understand this, don't push too much, there is a lot of folk on the internet you can get truly connected with. Move on and find your safe space!

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